Gpp Remote Viewer 2.0.8 Apk


Connect to your computer remotely and access and manage your files easily, download GPP Remote Viewer 2.0.8 today and control your pc while away. This update features some fixes and enhacements.

Requirements: Android 2.3 and up

Size: 4MB

Rating: 4.6/5
Type: Communication

App User Reviews: 

Overall a decent remote option. The only duduk masalah is that sometimes when it connects, the scale is off and the remote cursor does not sync up with the actual computer cursors location. Test on Droid RAZR Maxx and Samsung Galaxy S5. -Tom 

“A very useful app for remotely monitoring and controlling your PCs, and at great value. Seems more stable than previous versions. Developer was quick to respond to suggestions, and the screen lock was added back. By the way, to those still having connection problems, try manually reinstalling the latest version of the PC client of GPP Remote Viewer.” -Dean

“I’m always the person that people call for help on their computer and instead of having to walk them through the steps on how to do it over the phone I just take control of their computer and show them how to do it!” -Keelon

Features of GPP Remote Viewer app for Android:
GPP Remote Viewer is designed for remote access to your computer. Wherever you are, your files are always with you. This kegiatan will automatically find your computer, and choose the best way to connect to it. You can copy, delete, download and upload files, and install Android apps from your pc in one click. You can watch the screen of your pc, send messages and more… This makes it the perfect app for parents monitoring their children computer usage, employers verifying employee activities and businessmen. The kegiatan is in constant development. With each new version comes new services, and new features. The kegiatan is easy to setup and install.
1. Live view
2. Live control
3. Webcam Live View
4. Remote file manager
5. Remote process control
6. Send messages
7. Power manager
8. Media Control
9. And other…

What’s new in version 2.0.8
– Bug fixes and optimization.
– Other changes
Ver 2.0.7
– Swipe to refresh in lists
– Bug fixes and optimization.
– Other changes

Screenshots (click to enlarge)

GPP Remote Viewer 2.0.8 APK download links:
GPP Play Store


Download and install GPP Remote apk.

Previous versions:
ver 2.0.7ver 2.0.4

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